7 Pics
Here you will find the top 100 hottest pornstars of the year 2021. Just click on a thumbnail to view, if available, my favorite pictures of them. I hope you'll appreciate my fan collection.
For information, our rankings are based on the volume of searches or requests done through Google search engine (and I also used other different sources, such as, for instance, the 2021 AVN Awards results)
1) Listing the most popular pornstars on the planet
Using different sources including Freeones (most popular pornstars in the world during the last month or the last year), AVN Award nominees and winners of the last couple of years (categories New starlet, Female performer of the year, Actress, Supporting actress) and other websites.
2) Volume of queries through Google
Using the google platform (unfortunately, you have to pay when you ask Google for more than 100 pieces of information per day), we don't monitor the number of results but the number of people who actually look for the expression composed of the name of the performer and the term "Pornstar"
3) Et voilà!
Simple, unbiased and efficient method but feel free to contact me if there anything you think I could Improve because again it's experimental. Thank you